Our Financial Mentors Are Ready to Help

We want to mentor you on how to turn what you have acquired so far in life into true wealth. With more than 45+ years of investment expertise and success, we can help you determine where you are today, where you will be in 5 or 10 years and where you could be in those same time frames with high-yield investments by reducing and removing the risks along the way.

Don’t think you have the money to invest now? You’d be surprised. Our financial mentors can help you identify assets you may have overlooked. We can also help you secure loans and liquidate assets you may think have limited value.

When you’re ready to secure your financial future by eliminating debt and creating wealth, we make it easy. Just follow the four steps below and you’ll be on your way.


Review the information on our website, gather your questions then contact us by filling out and submitting the Contact Us form and/or then by calling our office/business line @ 1(301)248.1000


In order to help you identify which assets to reallocate and how best to reduce and/or eliminate debts, we need an accurate financial picture. Without this, we can’t help. Think of it as your homework and remember we are only looking for total numbers. We never ask for private financial information such as Social Security numbers and account numbers. Print out and complete the Total Needs Analysis form, available on our Documents page and forward to our office for review.


Now that you have our expert advice on how to turn your dead equity, retirement and tax-sheltered funds and other poorly performing assets into significantly higher returns, it’s time to make one of the best decisions of your life and apply for private member access in the (HYRPIP) High Yield Return Passive Income Program opportunity.

You will need to review our 2nd Chart for 1,2,3,4 or 5 year income programs where you can let your funds compound exponentially. Don’t think you have quite enough to make the investment you want? Don’t worry. We also help our members obtain financing for their investment through Lendio and our relationships with over 3,000 other funding partners.


Now that you’re invested, it’s time to tell others about this great opportunity and reap even further financial rewards. You can become an affiliate, helping others secure their financial future while making significant commissions. If you would prefer, you can just refer qualified prospects and still share in the wealth. You earn a Referral Bonus Reward Check for each qualified prospect that chooses to successfully apply for our income producing programs with a deposit. This important fourth step completes the New Member cycle and helps drive your success.

Contact Us

Simply submit our Contact Us link and let us know how we can help you financially & fulfill your life’s Bucket Lists Desires! * Remember it costs you nothing to gain the KNOWLEDGE you need to achieve what you desire in life to be financially secure & to live a life with fewer regrets & so many more REWARDS!

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