Seeking Four Types of Business Opportunity Income Partners

The Six Figure Club’s “Investors Pool” program has the real vehicles necessary for any of our income partner types to take control of their financial future. Your money may be with a multibillion dollar corporation or in a qualified pension or retirement fund that acts as the custodian for your IRA accounts, 401K, and/or any stocks, mutual funds, CDs, insurance/mortgage companies, banking assets, etc. They are holding your money hostage and paying you pennies while they make dollars on your funds!

Isn’t it time for you to leverage Other People’s Money (OPM) to create income and positive cash flow for yourself? Any of the four income-seeking investor types can do this! Our private members also have access to our financial resources with more than 3,000 lending institutions that have provided $5,000 to $5,000,000 in business opportunity income loans.

Our Private Members may earn certain percentage annually. Which investor type are you?


This is for the millions of you who are dissatisfied with the ridiculous so-called returns available in today’s marketplace.

If earning less than what most credit card companies are charging you in interest for the use of their money annually (our worst-case projected return) is the best you can do and you’re satisfied … then please leave this website. You will continue to stay with the 95 out of a 100 people who will never achieve their financial rewards as successful business opportunity income producers.

If you are interested in taking control of your financial future, then explore this website and join our private members who can earn what the top 5 percent of the world’s wealthiest investors receives on a steady monthly and annual basis!


Are you struggling to make it to the end of every month? Are your debts greater than your income? Is your savings non-existent? Does your family just barely survive financially and is making sacrifices now the norm, instead of the exception to the rule? Are you working or perhaps not so lucky to even have a job and can’t even find the end… let alone meet it half way? You are not alone. Many families need security and debt relief NOW from the deadly unending spiral of our national and even global economic meltdown. If having a substantial income paid to you each month would help you eliminate all the problems just mentioned … then you need us and we want you!


Companies today are struggling to stay afloat just like the rest of us. Perhaps you own a business or know others who do. More companies have closed their doors due to their inability to grow, maintain and simply survive with out-of-control costs, taxes, lawsuits and constant downsizing. These firms and entrepreneurs need a sound, time tested, well proven, serious New Income and Profit Engine! We are that Engine and can increase your company’s much needed cash flow on a sustainable and reliable basis. This means that those who participate as one of our partners will grow their profits so they can hire the unemployed and start rebuilding not only America but the world’s economies as well. We show our business partners how to eliminate, in most cases, their fixed monthly overhead expenses plus create new monthly income and profit sources!

Institutional, Corporate & Nonprofit Organizations

Mega financial centers of commerce must now re-invent themselves to survive. This means seeking alternative business opportunity income-producing vehicles. We have seen now, that the traditional well documented LOSERS just don’t work! Just look at your own financial portfolios over the past decade. This is the only way to end the financial decay and start repairing the damage!

We at Mentor Services Unlimited, LLC. and our Six Figure Club are able to offer the “Investors Pool” program through a joint venture/partnership with several companies that has multi-year proven track records with a very successful business model that has consistently secured the best available equipment, technology, services and top program training videos in the Investment and Business Opportunity Industry worldwide. You can now join thousands of business opportunity partners have invested in these income river producing ( p.p.s.p’s) programs, products, services, projects in multiple locations worldwide!

“It won’t cost you anything to investigate our program …
but it could cost you a great deal if you don’t”

Contact us today to learn more about the amazing investment opportunity.

Contact Us

Simply submit our Contact Us link and let us know how we can help you financially & fulfill your life’s Bucket Lists Desires! * Remember it costs you nothing to gain the KNOWLEDGE you need to achieve what you desire in life to be financially secure & to live a life with fewer regrets & so many more REWARDS!

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